Focusing on five basic behaviors, the Obedience I Class (Beginners) helps owners and dogs achieve success through structured activities and positive dog training methods. Trainers also help owners understand how to use the basic commands at home to turn that unruly bundle of joy into a well-behaved family pet.
Obedience I Class (Beginners)
- Class size: maximum of 7 dogs
- Cost: Non-member $150.00, Member $120.00 (8 sessions, once per week)
- Date/time: Tuesdays from 6:15pm to 7:15pm starting January 14th thru March 4th
- The first class is orientation. Please do not bring your dog to this class
- Requirements:
- Complete the online registration and payment process including acknowledging you read and agreed to the Liability Waiver Agreement.
- Immunization records including Distemper, Rabies (if 6 months or older), and Bordetella must be submitted via email in order to complete the registration process. Please note: Bordetella is not a routine vaccine but is required for this class.
Trainers: Carol McKinney/Ken McKinney/Kim Kinney
Carol has been a member of LBDTC for 14 years where she is a trainer/assistant for the Beginner/Advanced Obedience classes. She is a Training Committee Member, Board Member, and Co-Training Administrator. Carol has also been involved with the Women’s Animal Center for the past 17 years. She has been involved with Novice Obedience, Nose Work, Rally and Tracking. Carol has volunteered at numerous Agility and Obedience Trials.
Ken has been a member of LBDTC for 14 years where he is a part-time trainer and full-time assistant for the Beginner/Advanced Obedience classes. He is a Training Committee Member, Publicity Committee Chairperson, and Board Recording Secretary. Ken assists with LBDTC’s pet food drives and volunteers at numerous Obedience, Agility and Rally Trials. Ken has also been involved with the Women’s Animal Center in various capacities including dog handler for the past 17 years.
Kim Cheshire-Kinney
Kim is one of our newer members of LBDTC where she is currently a training assistant for the Beginner/Advanced Obedience classes. Kim got her start at LBDTC completing obedience classes and obtaining CGC certifications for her dogs.
Kim’s love for animals began at an early age first in the show arena with her horses, then onto training both Standardbreds and Thoroughbreds in horse racing. Although her passion for horses continued, she began competing with her Labradors and Golden Retrievers in AKC confirmation and breed competition events, also winning the 1992 Golden Retriever Eastern Grand Futurity with her golden Bailey.
Kim has many years of experience working in both confirmation and obedience and is currently pursuing her love of agility competition with her Australian Labradoodle Cosmo. She received her licensure as a certified veterinary technician working in emergency veterinary medicine at the University of PA veterinary school and the VSEC clinic In Levittown, PA.
Kim’s approach to training both the handler and dog is through encouragement and positive reinforcement to help them achieve their training goals in a fun and exciting atmosphere.
8746 New Falls Road
Levittown, PA 19054
- Pick your Ticket Type
- Complete the registration form
- Check the box I have Read and Agree to LBDTC’s Agreement
- Click on Proceed to Payment – This will take you to the Pay Pal login screen where there are 2 options. Either enter your email or phone number for your existing Pay Pal account and continue through the payment process as you normally would, or if you don’t want to create a Pay Pal account, choose pay with your Debit or Credit Card.
- If you choose to pay with your Debit or Credit Card, you will see Check Out as Guest. Enter your email and click continue to payment.
- Enter your contact information and debit or credit card number. IMPORTANT – At the bottom of the information you just entered, “UNCHECK” SAVE INFO AND CREATE YOUR PAY PAL ACCOUNT. Pay Pal will process your payment without creating a Pay Pal account.
- Once your payment is processed, you are officially confirmed in your class.
Reserve Your Space!
Registrations are closed for this event.